We might not be thinking about energy efficiency when we go out to cheer on our favorite sports team or take the kids to the movies, but the enteratinment industry--including stadiums, museums, convention centers, theaters, tourist attractions, and other venues--spends about $4.6 billion on energy each year. These costs can be controlled by managing energy strategically, and the savings can be used to build better attractions. EPA now offers online tools and resources for the enteratinment sector, including a "Quick Reference Guide to Benchmarking," information on promoting energy efficiency.Energy benchmarking groups have already formed among major league baseball stadiums (led by the St. Louis Cardinal's Busch Stadium) and convention centers (led by the Viriginia Beach Convention Center), with members of each group activley sharing information and best practices in a neffort to improve the energy efficiency of their facilitities.
With hundreds of thousands of vistiors each year, these facilities are uniquley positioned to help spread the word about energy effiecny. With EPA's help, members of the entertainment industry will have the tools and resources they need to engage and inspire visitors to join the fight against global warming.
To learn more about ENERGY STAR for the entertainment industry, visit www.energystar.gov.